Hillsboro 5th-grade boys second at Marion tourney


A fifth-grade team from Hillsboro after competing in the Marion Recreation Commis?sion basketball league this winter, placed second in the league tournament Saturday, Feb. 12.

Coached by Ryan Kleiner and Cord Werth, the team included Elias Werth, Colin Settle, Jacob Funk, Kaden Kleiner, Jaden Priest, Brodie Rathbone, Justin Siebert, Dakota Klein and Elliot Ollenburger,



Hillsboro 4th-grade boys? team wins tournament


A fourth-grade boys team from Hillsboro won the seven-team youth basketball tournament in Marion Feb. 5

The team, coached by Damian Ratzlaff and Jayson Hanschum had a bye the first round, then defeated McPherson and Newton to win the championship. Members of the team are Brooks Gardner, Joe Knoll, Wesley Shaw, Avery Unruhm Jorge Hanschu, Darian Ratzlaff, Caleb Rempel, Brant Brouillette and Thatcher Lackey.

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