Superintendent Steve Noble reported USD 410 enrollment has a this point a net loss of 19 students among returning grades compared to this time last year.
Noble shared those statistics at Monday?s regular Board of Education meeting.
?We?ve got to get a finger in the dike,? he said about the decline in students.
An official count of students will made Sept. 20, Noble said.
Noble also reported on 2009-10 ACT scores for Hillsboro High School students.
?Generally we?ve been in the neighborhood of the 24 percentile,? he said.
Average scores for HHS students surpassed the state averages in all areas?English, reading math, science and the composite score.
The highest average was reading at 24.8 percentile followed by math at 24.2 percentile. The English and reading scores were higher than last year while scores in math were slightly lower.
The board approved the goals adopted at their planning session meeting last month, which include the following: increase enrollment, meet education needs of all students, increase community involvement, ascertain alternate forms of revenue and keep current with technology.
?This gives me a real tangible focus,? Noble said about the goals.
He also told the board that special-education teacher Ann Janzen was named as a nominee for teacher of the year and was honored last weekend in Salina.
In other business the board:
? approved out-of-state trips for three HHS student groups: TSA to its national conference in June 2011 in Dallas; FFA to its national convention in Indianapolis in October; FCCLA for a national cluster meeting in November at St. Louis.
Although student groups are now responsible for fundraising to cover trip expenses, groups must still get those trips approved by the board.
Because of the recent budget cuts, the board longer subsidizes out-of-state trips.
? approved placing an ad for a construction manager to oversee work on the district office complex, which will run for 15 days.
Projects that exceed $100,000 are required to be advertised and interviews must be conducted with at least three qualified candidates who are bonded for the total amount, which in this case is estimated at $275,000.
Jantz Construction of Tampa, which drew the specs and plans is not a bonded company, Noble said, adding that if Jantz chooses to be bonded, he could qualify for the position.
? approved the resignation of Rhonda Suderman-King with Parents as Teachers.
? approved vocal supplemental contracts for Lynn Just (7.4 percent) and Shirley Baltzer (2.6 percent), instrumental contracts for Sean Boller (5.5 percent), Lynn Just (4.2 percent) and Shirley Baltzer (.3 percent), and Tammy Ollenburger as a transportation aide for Hillsboro Elementary School for 30 minutes per day.
? learned that Max Heinrichs, HHS principal, and Mike Moran, counselor, will attend a bullying conference in Seattle, Wash. Most of the expenses will be covered by money carried over from Title IV.
? were encouraged by Noble to attend the Kansas Association of School Boards Oct. 14 meeting in Newton.