Canton-Galva names honor roll for third quarter

Canton-Galva High School and Middle School have released the honor rolls for the third nine weeks of the 2016-17 school year.

To qualify for “distinguished honor roll,” a student must attain a grade-point average of 4.0-3.85 with no grade lower than a C; for “outstanding honor roll,” a GPA of 3.84-3.50 with no grade lower than a C; for “honor roll,” a GPA of 3.49-3.00 with no grade lower than a C. An asterisk (*) with a name indicates straight A’s.

Canton-Galva High School

(Third nine weeks)

Distinguished honor roll

Seniors: *Abigail Ballantyne, Emily Ballantyne, *Autumn Colgin, *Kaylee Littrell, *Kelli Nightingale, Amanda Schmalzried, *Reed Wiens.

Juniors: *Alex Koehn, *Ashley Nightingale.

Sophomores: *Logan Miller, *Whitney Nightingale, Darius Rose, *Jillian Ross-Mason, *Abbygail Rowden, *Kaysha Unruh.

Freshmen: *Kinser Colgin, Bray­lee Doughman, *Jennifer Fitzpatrick, *Brianna Gough, Evie Johnson, *Carissa Klatt, *Megan Malt­bie, *Jayci Mastre, *Tia Moddelmog, *Jay Nightingale, Taryn Norstrom, *Richard Peterson, Emma Ruddle, Sophie Snow.

Outstanding honor roll

Seniors: Brittany Nordstrom, Hunter Pearson.

Juniors: Logan Dawes, Taylor Everett, Emilie Johnson, Grace Klinkerman, Cash Toews, Wyatt Unruh, Dylan Wood.

Sophomores: Ashton Brewer, Katherine Nilson, Terra Saunders.

Freshmen: Landon Everett, Caley Johnson, Jacob Klatske, Chase Klinker­man, Emily White.

Honor roll

Seniors: Wyatt Becker, Devyn Elkins, Jordan Gagnebin, Marshall Reedy, Krista Wedel.

Juniors: Javeir Berends, Lynly Bridwell, Jonah Sargent, Maddie Snow.

Sophomores: Nicole Casebeer, Shantel Dunham, Rachel Prieb, Bethany Schott, Deveanna Smith.

Freshmen: Nicole Alkira, Alexa Burch, Joey Johnson, Maddison McHugh, Jamasen Nicholas, Nick Pearson, Mason Reedy.

Canton-Galva Jr. High School

Distinguished honor roll

Eighth grade: *Keaton Littrell. *Brayden Minson, Leah Silsby.

Seventh grade: Kati Alumbaugh, Morgan Becker, *Brody Flaherty, Gracie Kidd, *Hayden Lance, Tyson Struber.

Outstanding honor roll

Eighth grade: Jerry Bradbury.

Seventh grade: Ethan Alkire, Christian Darrah, Brayden Doughman, Caitlin Harley, Jessica Johnson, Nicole Miller, Taygen O’Hara, Angelina Saunders, Xavier Westbrook.

Honor roll

Eighth grade: Kale Buster, Payton Buster, Brayden Collins, Layne Hiebert, Sarah Kendall, Conner Koehn, Aiden Moore, Aleah Peres, Andrew Prieb, Tyler Rummel, Faith Shelton, Clay Wedel.

Seventh grade: Jaiden Dawes, Evelyn Evans, Trace Koehn.

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