Starting is the hard part

The first paragraph of my column is the hardest to write. The rest of them run out of my head like water. Noth?ing ever seems to be that important to be the lead item. I am always impressed with what our other columnists have to say?each and every time.


The HHS?all-school reunion is now a month away. If you didn?t get the information we mailed earlier this month, please let me know and we will get it to you either by mail or electronically, or follow this link to the Oracle:

You can buy tickets and pay alumni dues on the Free Press online store if that works for you, or stop by Hillsboro State Bank.


I hadn?t been to a Kansas Press Association conference for more than 15 years until this past weekend. Most of the publishers I used to know have passed on and there are numerous new faces.

The most impressive part of the day was that Joey?s newspaper in Andale, The Clarion, walked away with the sweepstakes award, picking up first, second and third places for numerous categories, I believe 62 in all.


Youngest grandson Louis turned 15 this past weekend. I was looking at some photos of him when he was little. The difference between then and now is light years apart.

His older brother is 17 and almost has a year of college under his belt at Georgia State. He attends high school for a half day and college for the other half.

Not sure if we will get them here for the fair this year. We knew it would end sometime. They just have too much going on at home to spend a lengthy period of time at the grandparents? house. I understand it?they have jobs, and such. But we don?t have to like it.


My father-in-law told me years ago it was a good thing to have to pay taxes because it meant you made some money. It is all starting to make sense, I think.

Last week was rough.


I learned that you can pay taxes with a credit card, so I checked it out. I figured there would be a cost for doing it that way and I was right.

They call it a ?conven?ience fee.? Isn?t that word-smithing at its finest? The government makes it clear they do not receive any of the fees, which means the credit-card company gets the ?convenience fee.? My opinion is something that costs more is really an inconvenience fee.


Since Nancy broke her arm, I have sort of taken over the family checkbook. I had forgotten how much work it is to keep the dumb thing balanced. Thinking I was really smart, I started a spreadsheet on it. Now that everything is entered, sort of, that doesn?t always work out either.


If you wish to share your comments or ideas, my e-mail address is joel@

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