Relay will be earlier than usual

Relay for Life in Marion County will be much earlier this year. It is slated for Friday, April 29, starting at 7 p.m. and ending at 7 a.m. the next morning. The event will be at Marion?s stadium this year.

Most likely it won?t be hotter than blazes, like it has been when it was held in July. But it could be cold at the end of April. Regardless of the weather, everyone will need to get ready much sooner this time around.


The Newton school district has a charter school located in Walton. A few years ago officials didn?t know if they could keep it open. Now there?s a waiting list to get in.

Here is a link to a video that shows what the school is about. They have made hands-on learning fun at the Walton Rural Life Center. Go to


We took in the Tabor College drama department?s ?To Kill a Mockingbird? on opening night. The cast was terrific and, if you ask me, the middle school kids who had major parts in the play stole the show.

I have never understood how people can remember so many lines and be able to say them as though they were not memorized.


There?s a story about a guy who got a part in a play and all he had to say was, ?Hark, I hear a canon.? This was right after there was a large explosion in the production.

For weeks he would say his part over and over to himself and had it down pat.

Then it was showtime and he got on stage. Suddenly, there was a big boom and he said, ?What the heck was that??


I had the pleasure of meeting Tom Britain of Marion last week and learned that he, too, had been a printer?s devil at the Marion newspaper as a teenager while I was in the same position at the Hillsboro newspaper.

We had a good time swapping stories of the old days and the challenges of dealing with hot lead, setting type on the Ludlow and picking splattered lead off of the floors and walls.


There?s nothing worse than a sheet of ice like the one we woke up to Monday morning. I was thinking the older people shouldn?t be out, but then I realized I was out walking across the street. In fact several times.

It could be the mail carriers who have the worst day of all. I think some of them have the clamp-ons for their shoes like the ones ice climbers use.

We had a day like this in Lawrence back in the ?60s. Nancy walked to work at KU and we lived at the bottom of the hill. It was so icy she had to hold on to the bushes to pull herself up the hill that day.

I parked my car on the downhill slope on the street next to the curb, and five cars came over the hill and ran into it before the morning was over. Hope your Monday was uneventful.


I didn?t expect the KU-KSU game to be so one-sided the other night. It was Kansas Day and definitely was Kansas? day. I couldn?t help but watch it again on Sunday since we didn?t have any football to watch.


It?s getting to be time again to go through all of our records from 2010 to prepare for tax returns. There has to be a much simpler way?and there is.

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