Thanks for the school reunion
I am a 1953 HHS graduate and want to thank all who were involved in putting together such a great All-High School dinner and program!
I've attended several of these in the past (not for at least two years) and I think it is great to have a "program" such as Mr. Mohn presented. There was still time to mull around and see graduates from other classes, but I liked honoring the "five-year" classes and having the reminders of their accomplishments (because next year, we will be a five-year class).
My husband and I feel very fortunate to have had the public education we received in Hillsboro. For whatever of our teachers who might be reading this, again, our heartfelt thanks!
Jetta Hiebert Ollek
Class of ?53
Mum thief robs from the dead
To the person who took the ?mum? plants at the Durham Cemetery from the graves of my mother, Amelia Hein, and my brother, Ervin Hein: I hope you are enjoying them.
To me you are about as low as you can get, stealing from the dead.
Sylvia Grothe