Letters (June 29, 2016)

Glamp Out at lake was a stellar event

Kudos to Marion County Economic Development Director Teresa Huffman. She performed a stellar job organizing and hosting the first Marion County Park & Lake Glamp Out over the June 20 weekend.

I had the privilege of attending with my 1950 Thims camper. Have to say, your lake is a gem and the campsite was perfect on a carpet of buffalo grass.

Our group toured your lovely city, shopped the antique stores, hospital thrift store—it has to be the best one in Kansas— and had a lesson on campfire Dutch oven cooking.

For me, the bet part of the function was meeting like-minded vintage camper ladies and sharing stories, tips and ideas. An im­promptu lesson on how to secure an awning in Kansas winds, from Ed across the road, was yet another highlight.

Again, hats off to Teresa. She did your county proud. I am looking forward to our next Marion County adventure.

Joslyn Dewey

Garden City

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