Cruisers give city early 125th birthday gift

With its 125th anniversary approaching, the city of Hills?boro received one of its first birthday presents Tuesday, April 21, when the city council accepted a donation from the Route 56 Classic Cruisers for improvements at Memorial Park.

The check for $671.50 from the organization for classic-car enthusiasts is designated to repair and rejuvenate the shelter house on the west side of the park.

Among the repair issues are the wooden planks for seating that are no longer attached to the support base, creating a safety hazard. The group also will volunteer its time to fix or remove playground equipment that is in disrepair or unsafe.

Mayor Delores Dalke highlighted the significance of the gift and said it illustrated the hope planners have for the upcoming celebration.

?Usually we try to think of things to give people when they come to these kind of events,? Dalke said. ?For the 125th, we want to challenge people to give a birthday gift back to the city.?

She said such a gift may be a financial donation or an offer of volunteer labor. Dalke said the city would welcome ideas for potential projects. She also challenged council members to suggest ideas and said the council ultimately would be the group to determine project priorities for financial donations.

For the complete report of this meeting go to

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