Dalke said, ?We are pleased to find people who are more than willing to give their time and effort to work on this important issue for our community.?
Task force members will be announced after all those contacted have confirmed.
The need for the task force arose when the Hillsboro Menno?nite Brethren Church voted late last month to close Kids Connection, the day care center and preschool it opened in its facility in August 2008.
Church leaders have said the recommendation to close the center grew out of ongoing challenges to balance the needs of the day care with other church ministries.
About 45 families would be affected by the closure, which originally was approved to go into effect May 27. Church leaders recently have said they would consider extending the closure date to allow time to develop a community-based option.
Seibel said the task force will be in close contact with church leaders as they work together to provide child-care options for community families.