Jan 26 is filing deadline for city elections

Candidates wanting to file for city positions in Marion and Hillsboro have less than two weeks to register.

The deadline to file is noon Tuesday, Jan. 26. So far city council member Steve Smith is challenging Mary Olson in the mayor?s race at Marion.

In addition to the mayor?s race in Marion, two council positions are open in Marion and Hillsboro. Voters will go to the polls April 6.

According to the Marion County Clerk?s office, Hillsboro City Ward 1 and 2 each have one position open; the two open positions in Marion are at-large.

If a primary election is required, the last day to register to vote is Monday, Feb. 15. March 1 at noon is the last chance to cast advance ballots in person.

For the general election, the last day to register to vote is noon March 22; April 5 is the deadline to vote regular advance ballots in person.

After the filing deadline, a list of candidates in the spring election will be published to include any other positions in a city-by-city summary.

A $5 filing fee is required from candidates.

For more information, call the Marion County Clerk?s office at 620-382-2104.

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