This evening, the Marion County Health Department (MCHD) released the news that the county now has the highest positive COVID-19 cases it has had since the pandemic stated.
The press release reported 19 total confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Marion County. New confirmed cases are three males in their 20s, one female in her 40s and one female in her 20s.
“Marion County continues to have an upturn in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases. If you are notified by the Health Department of being a contact of someone who is positive for COVID-19, you MUST quarantine at home for 14 days. This means that a negative test will not return an exposed person to work/sports/daycare/etc. sooner than 14 days. If you are a contact, decide to be tested, and it comes back negative, you STILL have to finish your 14-day period because you may become contagious anytime during the rest of the 14 days. We do NOT routinely recommend testing contacts unless symptoms arise or a high-risk individual is involved. People who have not had direct exposure to someone with COVID-19 do not need to quarantine and are not excluded from work/sports/daycare/etc.
If you are being tested for COVID-19, you are considered a Person Under Investigation (PUI). The PUI MUST isolate while waiting on results,” said Diedre Serene, Marion County Health Department Administrator.
MCHD went on the explain that If a person in quarantine does not develop any COVID-19 symptoms, then they are released from quarantine at the end of 14 days. If symptoms do develop during those 14 days, the person is to contact their primary provider for further evaluation and/or testing.
People who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 may be released from isolation at the direction of the Health Department when it has been 10 days since the onset of symptoms AND 72 hours since symptoms have resolved.
“These are challenging days for groups and businesses. They are responsible for providing a safe environment for their employees and participants. They are severely affected when their employees and participants are excluded due to exposure. Much of this exposure is occurring outside of work. The best way to keep our businesses open and functional and keep our social interactions available is to maintain a 6-foot physical distance between people and wear a mask when in public when physical distancing may be difficult to maintain,” said Serene.
The health department stated that the Marion County Board of Health (County Commissioners) passed a resolution to opt out of Governor Kelly’s Executive Order 20-52 on July 2, 2020.
Just a reminder that KDHE and MCHD continue to mandate a 14-day home quarantine for Kansas if you have done any of the following:
• Traveled within the United States to any of the following states with known widespread community transmission:
On or after June 17: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas
On or after June 29: South Carolina, Florida
• Traveled internationally on or after March 15
• Traveled on a cruise ship or river cruise on or after March 15
Marion County residents are encouraged to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining social distancing, avoiding gatherings in groups greater than 45-persons, wearing masks when in public, practicing cough etiquette and washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.