Misc. Employment
Centre USD #397 is accepting applications for Assistant Girls? Basketball Coach, certified or Rule 10. Applications available at district office: 785-983-4304. Application deadline: until position filled. EOE. 40-1tc
The City of Hillsboro is looking to hire a laborer/equipment operator for the Public Works Street Department. Applications can be found on www.cityofhillsboro.net. The Job Description can be found there as well. Applications will be taken until October 16, 2009 at 5 PM. 40-2tc
2 Services
Child Care Offered
Little Folks Day Care, licensed provider, over 25 years experience, one block from grade school, 4 full-time openings. Call 620-947-3593. 40-3tp
Licensed home daycare has immediate openings for all ages. Call Carla Hamm, 620-947-2063. 40-2tp
Registered Daycare newly opening. Accepting all ages. Located in Hillsboro. Please contact Ashley Friesen at 316-640-9151. 40-1tc
Services Offered
Steam Clean Fiber Care. Carpet Cleaning Special. Two rooms and hallway, $99. Ask about window washing. Call 620-245-1722, Wheeler?s Cleaning, Dennis Wheeler. 39-4tp
Services Wanted
Wanted: piano teacher for 2 young boys at home outside of Florence once a week. Please call Romney Ruder, 316-633-0346. 40-1tp
3 Merchandise
For Sale
Queen size hide-a-bed sofa, lighted cherry wood curio cabinet, oak entertainment center, picnic table & 4 chairs, small glass top wicker table w/ 2 chairs, 4 golf pull carts, large walnut framed wall mirror. Call 620-947-2454. 40-1tp
Seasoned firewood. Call Loomis Construction, 620-382-3627, 620-381-0060. 40-2tc
Wurlitzer organ/piano combo, $300 obo. 620-878-4203. 40-4tp
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Salvage, Florence. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 9-tfc
Wanted: used dog house. Please call 620-877-7497. 40-1tp
4 Announcements
Jake Schmidt and the Journeyman. Saturday, Oct. 10, 7:30pm. Fox Theater, Main St., Newton. Admission: $10. 40-1tp
Garage Sales
328 Locust, Marion. Sat., Oct. 10, 8am-3pm. Bowflex XTL; Club Car golf cart, 2000 ? 48 volts; golf clubs; drafting table; microscopes; tools; microwave; furniture; TV?s; file cabinet; linens; dishes; Heckendorn mower; books; decor; clothes. Also cookies & lemonade. Rain: indoors. 40-1tp
207 N. Main, Hillsboro. Inside the Red Barn. Sat., Oct. 10, 8am-? Kirby and accessories, like-new portable dishwasher, computer games, computer accessories, small appliances, dishes, Avon, push mower, clothes, kitchen stuff, PA speakers and tripod stands, stereo equipment, items too numerous to advertise. 40-1tp
Fri., 1-6pm; Sat., 8am-? Boys clothes birth-5 yrs, teenage girls clothes, console TV, books, lots of misc. 409 S. Cedar, Hillsboro. 40-1tp
Fri., 3-7pm; Sat., 8am-2pm. Pre-teen and adult clothing, small table w/2 chairs, claw foot tub, toys, aquarium. 204 S. Date, Hillsboro. 40-1tp
Garage/Bake Sale downtown Durham. Fri., Oct. 9, 3:30-7:30pm. 40-1tw
Multi-family sale. Toys, home decor, clothes, washer, dryer and so much more. Sat. 8am-? 316 S. Washington, Hillsboro. 40-1tp
6 Automotive
Boats & Accessories
Blue/white ski boat/trailer, 19ft. open bow, V6, 175 HP IB/OB, engine/interior excellent, seats 9, winter storage indoors, snap-on waterproof cover. Price to sell. 620-382-2330, 620-382-5497 (cell). 40-2tc
8 Real Estate
3 BR home for sale in Marion. 620-382-3370. 38-4tp
Want YOUR money? Get YOUR $8000 from Gov?t for buying a home! No money down for landowners! Heath ? 918-576-3696. 33-tfc
9 For Rent
1 BR apartment, Hillsboro, stove & refrigerator included, no smoking, no pets, 620-382-7696. 33-tfc
Senior citizens wanting something between independent living and assisted living. $399.80 monthly and up. Daily, weekly and monthly rates available. http://www.SunshineResidentialCenter.com. 620-878-2200. 40-4tc
Office Space
105-107 S. Main, Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, Inc., 620-947-2321. 38-tfc
1 bedroom house, nice with attached garage. $225/month, no pets. Call 620-947-3617. 40-tfc
2 bedroom, CH/CA, garage. No pets/no smoking. References required. Goessel. 620-367-2617. 40-4tc
2 BR house, CH/CA, with appliances, located in Hillsboro. 620-483-3073. 40-2tp