1 Employment
Farm help wanted. 620-382-6953. 48-1tp
Misc. Employment
Truck driving position to haul milk. Home nights. Avg. $185 a day. Need clean CDL record. Contact Roger @ 620-654-7775 or pick up application at old AMPI?shop. 48-1tc
Part time Employment
Centre USD #397 is accepting applications for assistant cook, 4 hours per day. Applications available at district office, 785-983-4304 or on website, usd397.com. Application deadline: until position filled. EOE. 47-3tc
3 Merchandise
For Sale
Champagne Diamond earrings appraised for $3,750, can provide certificate of appraisal. Selling for $2,000. Call 620-877-0173. 31-tfnp
Gold?s Gym GS2500 weight machine, $95. Sherwin Williams airless paint sprayer #824-020, $250. 620-382-3322. 41-tfnp
Split seasoned firewood, no hedge. Call Loomis Construction, 620-381-0060. 46-3tp
Seasoned hedge, $90/pickup load, delivered. 620-877-0139. 47-2tp
GARDENERS: All natural fertilizer (horse manure) for sale. $15/pickup load. 620-382-2961. 47-2tp
Firewood for sale, hedge available. 620-877-7700. 48-1tp
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Salvage, Florence. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 9-tfc
We buy junk & wrecked cars, trucks, iron and machinery. Household appliances hauled free. G.G. at 620-947-3779 or 262-473-9490. 22-tfp
5 Public Notices
Lose weight now, ask me how. I lost 30lbs in14 weeks. Call, Joy Wildin, 620-382-3682. 45-4tp
As of Oct. 3, 2011, I, Jeanette Jacobson, am no longer responsible for any debts other than my own. 48-1tp
6 Automotive
1970 VW Bug, runs good, body & interior in good condition, great stereo. ?Ladybug? red w/ black spots, $4,000 obo. Call 620-334-0320. 13-tfnp
Truck, Vans & 4x4s
1987 GMC 7000 gas truck, 5 compartments with 2 pumps, 2,000 gal. capacity, $6,000. 785-983-4421 or 785-983-4844. 12-tfnp
8 Real Estate
For Manufactured and Modular Homes. $0 down for Land Owners. $6,000-15,000 instant credit on Lot Models. You choose lower interest rate, free lot rent, furniture package, or free foundation. Clayton Homes – Wichita, 866-858-6862. 43-6tc
Used and repo mobile homes. Singles and doubles, 3 and 4 bedrooms. Will move to your land. $25,900-54,900. 866-858-6862. 43-6tc
9 For Rent
2 BR, 1 bath apartment in Hillsboro. Stove & refridgerator provided, no smoking, no pets. 620-382-7696. 48-1tc
3 BR house in Hillsboro, 2 BR house in Marion. Appliances included. 620-245-1648. 48-2tp
2 BR house in Hillsboro. CH/CA, stove & refrigerator provided, no smoking, no pets. 620-382-7696. 48-1tc