Misc. Employment
Now taking applications for weekend desk clerk. Apply in person at Country Haven Inn. 52-2tc
Part time or full time help wanted at the Salad Bowl. Apply in person, 111 W. Grand, Hillsboro. 1-1tc
3 Merchandise
For Sale
Music gear: soundboard, electronic drums, guitar toys, more. Furniture: bedroom set, tables, more. Call Julie, 620-382-0265 or e-mail: julierenee76@gmail.com. 1-1tp
Miniature Australian Shepard puppies, utd shots and deworming. They include red merle, blue merle, black tri?s, males and females. 620-947-0240. 1-2tp
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Salvage, Florence. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 9-tfc
8 Real Estate
2 bedroom, move-in condition, updated mechanicals, corner lot, only $38,000, 105 E. Marion, Lehigh, KS. 329 Circle Dr. Florence, KS – Remodelers Dream, project started, waiting for you to finish, $18,000. Call Kristi Fowler 620-242-8011, Horizon Real Estate Services, McPherson, KS. 52-3tc
9 For Rent
1 BR apartment, Hillsboro, stove & refrigerator included, no smoking, no pets, 620-382-7696. 33-tfc
One bedroom, kitchen appliances, $295 + electricity. Sunflower Apartments, Goessel. 620-367-2617. 51-tfc
2 bed, 2 bath upstairs apt. for rent in Downtown Marion. Call 620-947-2800 or 620-877-7835. Available immediately. 51-tfc
Office Space
105-107 S. Main, Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, Inc., 620-947-2321. 38-tfc
1 bedroom home, stove & refrigerator furnished, attached garage, no pets, rent $225. 620-947-3617. 1-tfc
2 bedroom, 1 bath house for lease. Newly remodeled interior. $400/month plus utilities. Available immediately. Call 620-382-2107 or 602-359-0340. 1-1tp
Young couple looking for house to rent near Durham, Hillsboro area. Would like to move in before March. 785-448-5309, 620-382-5845. 1-1tp