Misc. Employment
Position Opening for Breastfeeding Peer Counselor. Qualifications: has successfully breastfed at least one infant for 6 months & wants to help other mothers enjoy a positive breastfeeding experience. Available to work 3-3 ? hours/week and attend required training events. Applications available at the Marion County Health Dept. 230 E. Main, Marion, KS 66861. 620-382-2550. Position open until filled. EEOE. 3-1tc
2 Services
Child Care Offered
Registered daycare provider in Hillsboro with full & part time openings. Evening care also available. Call Erin, 620-382-5141. 2-2tp
Registered daycare accepting all ages. Located in Hillsboro. Please contact Ashley Friesen at 316-640-9151. 3-1tc
3 Merchandise
3 storm windows to give away, low E tinted glass; two 2?x5?, one 5?x5?. Call 620-947-3935, leave message if no anwser. 3-1tnc
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Salvage, Florence. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 9-tfc
6 Automotive
2002 Harley Davidson FXD Dyna Super Glide Motorcycle with saddle bags, 28,126 miles. Accepting Bids. Contact Great Plains Federal Credit Union, 110 West D Street, Hillsboro, KS. Ph# 620-947-3933 for more information. 3-2tc
9 For Rent
1 BR apartment, Hillsboro, stove & refrigerator included, no smoking, no pets, 620-382-7696. 33-tfc
One bedroom, kitchen appliances, $295 + electricity. Sunflower Apartments, Goessel. 620-367-2617. 51-tfc
2 bed, 2 bath upstairs apt. for rent in Downtown Marion. Call 620-947-2800 or 620-877-7835. Available immediately. 51-tfc
Office Space
105-107 S. Main, Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, Inc., 620-947-2321. 38-tfc
1 bedroom duplex, stove & refrigerator furnished, with garage, rent $225, no pets. 620-947-3617. 2-tfc
2 BR, 1 bath house, 412 S. Washington, Hillsboro. Refrigerator and stove included. Available Feb. 1st. Terry Pankratz, 620-947-2717. 3-2tc
605 East “A”, Hillsboro. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, central heat/air, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer hook-up, garage, newly painted interior, close to schools. 620-947-2266. 3-1tc