2 Services
Child Care Offered
Tot?s Landing Day Care in Hillsboro has FT/PT hours available. Open 5am-11pm, SRS certified, food program. Please call Sheri, 620-654-6698. 5-2tp
3 Merchandise
For Sale
Seasoned Hedge, pickup load, $85, delivered, stacked. Call 620-877-0139. 4-2tp
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Salvage, Florence. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 9-tfc
4 Announcements
Lost & Found
Found: Medium-sized male dog, white with spots, brought by City of Hillsboro. Available for adoption if not claimed. 620-947-3993.
6 Automotive
1994 Ford Taurus, $200 obo. 620-983-2937. 5-1tp
Truck, Vans & 4x4s
For sale by Marion County 4th Fire District: Fire Department utility truck bed. May see at Highway 50 and Nighthawk. Mail sealed bids to PO Box 111, Peabody, KS 66866 by 2/22/10. Right of refusal of any/all bids. 5-2tp
8 Real Estate
Remodeler?s Dream. 2 Bedroom, project started, waiting for you to finish. 329 Circle Drive, Florence, KS. $12,900. Kristi Fowler 620-242-8011, Horizon Real Estate, McPherson, KS. 4-3tc
9 For Rent
1 BR apartment, Hillsboro, stove & refrigerator included, no smoking, no pets, 620-382-7696. 33-tfc
One bedroom, kitchen appliances, $295 + electricity. Sunflower Apartments, Goessel. 620-367-2617. 51-tfc
2 bed, 2 bath upstairs apt. for rent in Downtown Marion. Call 620-947-2800 or 620-877-7835. Available immediately. 51-tfc
Nice 1 BR apartment, appliances furnished with attached garage. 620-947-3617. 4-tfc
Sleeping room for rent w/kitchen & bath privileges, $10/day. 316-283-3317. 5-1tp
Office Space
105-107 S. Main, Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, Inc., 620-947-2321. 38-tfc
2 BR, 1 bath house, 412 S. Washington, Hillsboro. Refrigerator and stove included. No pets, no smoking. Terry Pankratz, 620-947-2717. 5-2tc