1 Employment
Part time Employment
Saturday help wanted. 8 hrs/wk, pay based on age and experience. Contact Chris, 620-382-4212. 42-1tp
3 Merchandise
For Sale
Antiques, beds, dressers, tables, toys, glassware, banks, artwork. Call 620-947-3378. 36-tfc
RV toilet, 2 yrs. old, china bowl, excellent condition, $75. 620-955-7318. 42-1tp
Schipperke male pups, free. 620-367-4685. 42-1tnc
We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Auto Service & Salvage, Florence KS. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 10-tfc
Wanted: All metals, cars, trucks, aluminum, copper. Free appliance pickup. 316-284-1811 or 620-877-7371. 32-25tp
4 Announcements
Lost &Found
Lost: 10-3-08, black kitten goes by Charcoal. Please call 620-947-3922. 42-1tnc
Garage Sales
Multi-family. Fri., 4-7pm; Sat., 8am-noon. 404 S. Washington, Hillsboro. Large dining table, love seat, end tables, ladies/children?s clothes, yarn, teaching supplies, miscellaneous. 42-1tp
Multi-family. 204 S. Date, Hillsboro. Fri., 3-7pm; Sat., 8am-12pm. Furniture, clothes, bedding, toys, books, weed eater, pickup bed liner, lots of miscellaneous. 42-1tw
Baby bed; boys & ladies clothes, brand name and in good condition; game table; love seat; lots of Playstation games; homemade tamales, can order; Christmas stuff and more. Fri., 12pm-?; Sat., 8am-1pm. 508 E. A, Hillsboro. 620-877-0057. 42-1tp
8 Farm and Ranch
Two Pygmy Billy goats, 2 yrs. old, one brown, one gray. 620-382-5955. 42-1tp
9 Real Estate
Government Loan Program for landowners. Zero down and low payments. Bad credit and bankruptcy is okay. Will remove existing homes. Improvement packages available. Call Heath at 918-576-3696 for your approval. 3-tfc
10 For Rent
Taking applications for 2 bedroom apartment & 2 bedroom duplex in Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, 116 N. Main, Hillsboro. 620-947-2321. 38-tfc
One bedroom, kitchen appliances, $275 + electricity. Sunflower Apartments, Goes?sel. 620-367-2617. 37-tfc
Small 1 BR apt., $235, all electric, near college, references required. Call 620-947-2323 or 620-947-3948. 42-1tp
3 BR, 1 bath, 1 car attached garage. No smoking, no pets. 620-947-3191. 32-tfc
2 BR home, 112 N. Madison, Hillsboro. CH/A, $225 per month. 620-947-2571. 42-1tp