Free Press Classified Liners (July 2, 2008)

1 Employment

Misc. Employment

Field hand for oilfield operations. Experience preferred but not required. Good wages & benefit package. Drug testing required. E.O.E. Applications can be picked up at Shawmar Oil & Gas Company, 1116 E. Main, Marion, KS or at Ruf Nek Well Servicing & Supply at 110 Lincolnville Ave. in Lincolnville, KS. Phone 620-382-2932. 28-1tp

3 Merchandise

For Sale

Beanie Babies; Flower Fun Barbie doll; Ertl Goal Line car, KC; glass ash trays with advertisement. 620-732-3036. 28-1tp

For sale in Hillsboro: Bruns?wick shuffleboard table, $150; fiberglass chairs, $10 each; 3 twin beds, $20 each. Call cell 281-728-1019. 28-1tp


We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Auto Service & Salvage, Florence KS. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 10-tfc

Wanted: All metals, cars, trucks, aluminum, copper. Free appliance pickup. 316-284-1811 or 620-877-7371. 8-24tp

4 Announcements

Garage Sales

Remodeling/Garage Sale. Furniture (living & dining room, wicker), chairs, recliner, kitchen table, dishwasher, small appliances, TV?s, electric typewriter, lamps, old trunk, stereo cabinet, windows, doors, silk bush, tiller, clothes, baskets, home decor & more. Sat. July 12, 8am-2pm. Robert Loewen, 1130 150th; Charles Loewen, 1326 Kanza. 1-1/2 miles east of Hillsboro Pizza Hut, south on Kanza 4 and 5-3/4 miles. 28-1tp

Garage Sales

Big Sale. Furniture, antiques, household, baby items, toys, clothes 0-3T, ladies, juniors, maternity. Friday, 9am-6pm; Saturday, 8am-4pm. 529 S. Roosevelt, Marion. 28-1tp

Huge Sale. Thursday, July 10 & Friday, July 11, 8am-? 412 S. Freeborn, Marion. Little Tykes, Beanies, toys, Barbies, dolls, books, household, nice back-to-school clothes. Baldwin. 28-1tw

508 E. A, Hillsboro. All sizes brand name kids and women?s clothes, crib, decor, toys in good condition, homemade Tamales. Fri. & Sat., 8am-? 28-1tp


6 Automotive

Campers/Travel Trailers/RV

1992 Monoco Dynasty 36? Motor Home, 250 Cummins, 6 speed Allison transmission. Buy Now Realty, 316-283-4920. 27-4tc

1976 22? Taurus camper, needs work, $500 obo. Terry Pankratz, 620-947-2717. 28-2tc

8 Farm & Ranch


Fresh goat?s milk for sale. Quarts and gallons available daily located 2 miles west of Hillsboro. Call LacioLee Ranch 620-877-7645. 28-4tP


Wanted: Baby calf hutches. Also small square bales, brome, prairie hay & straw. Milford Klaassen, 620-947-3460. 27-3tp

Wanted: Someone to plow 16 acres near Highway 15 and road 170. Call 620-947-2920. 27-2tp

9 Real Estate


3 BR Duplex, property on the lake, Reno County, Reno County Farm. Buy Now Realty, 316-283-4920. 27-4tc


Government Loan Program for landowners. Zero down and low payments. Bad credit and bankruptcy is okay. Will remove existing homes. Improvement packages available. Call Heath at 918-576-3696 for your approval. 3-tfc

10 For Rent


Taking applications for 1&2 bedroom apartments in Hillsboro. Real Estate Center, 116 N. Main, Hillsboro. 620-947-2321. 48-tfc


3 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 1 bedroom. Buy Now Realty, Newton, 316-283-4920. 27-4tc

1 BR house, fully remodeled, $300/mo. & deposit, no pets, available now. Call 785-717-9262 or 785-375-4507. 28-1tp

2 bedroom, 1 bath, detached garage, 216 S. Jefferson, $375. Call 620-877-7085. 28-tfc

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