Free Press Classified Liners (Jan. 14, 2009)

1 Employment

Business Opportunities

Homeworkers needed. Many legitimate firms offering assembly work now. Send SASE to Rose Forgy, 2504 40th, Burns, KS 66840. 2-2tp

Child/Elderly Care Wanted

Babysitter for three small children in our home beginning in March. Two days per week (Mon. & Wed.), may increase to three days depending on availability. 620-382-6932. 1-2tc

2 Services

Child/Elderly Care Offered

Full & part time openings for child care in Hillsboro. Call Erin, 620-382-5141 (cell). 2-1tp

Services Offered

Father & Son Repair/ Han?dyman. Paint, small carpentry, yard care, sell firewood & much more. Call Fred, 620-483-3324 or Bob, 620-755-0084. 1-2tp

B&B Stump Grinding. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed cleanup. Contact 620-382-4227. 2-4tp

3 Merchandise

For Sale

Propane Warm Morning heater. $65,000 BTU, flew included, temperature control, automatic blower. Day, 620-382-3750; evening, 620-382-3564. 2-1tc


For sale: Registered Beagle puppies, ready to go. 620-382-3607. 1-tfc

Two tiny eight-week maltese pomeranian pups. $100 each. 620-947-3361 or 785-313-4968. 2-1tp


We buy wrecked & junk cars, trucks, iron, and machinery. Hayes Auto Service & Salvage, Florence KS. Hours vary. Please leave a message. 620-878-4620. 10-tfc

Wanted: All metals, cars, trucks, aluminum, copper. Free appliance pickup. 316-284-1811 or 620-877-7371. 32-25tp

4 Announcements


Be the Best you can be! with Mrs. B. Back by popular demand! Charm School for Young Ladies. Saturday. Feb. 7th. Ladies will participate in a formal tea $20. Free Gifts! Only eight ladies in each session. Call for more information. 620-732-3341 or 620-382-4227. 2-2tp

6 Automotive


'07 PT Cruiser, 31K, hail damage, $5,600. '06 Chevy Impala, 48K, salvage title, like new, $8,700. Call Troy, 620-382-6804. 2-1tp

8 Farm & Ranch

Hay & Forage

Custom swathing and baling, large round or square. 785-254-7037 eve., 785-826-0404 mobile. 47-tfc

9 Real Estate


Government Loan Program for landowners. Zero down and low payments. Bad credit and bankruptcy is okay. Will remove existing homes. Improvement packages available. Call Heath at 918-576-3696 for your approval. 3-tfc

10 For Rent


1 BR apartment, all electric, close to college, $235/mo. Call 620-947-2323 or 620-947-3948. 1-2tc

2 BR apartment available. All utilities paid, except electric. Real Estate Center, 620-947-2321. 2-tfc

Office Space

Office space on Main Street, Hillsboro for rent. 620-947-3191. 1-tfc


House for rent. 5 bed, 2 bath, 2-car garage, full basement, 40×60 machine shed. Northwest of Durham. Call 316-765-2151. 52-4tp

Three bedroom house with appliances, CHA, located in Hillsboro. 620-483-3073. 2-2tw

11 Too Late

Cutting torch & bottles with contents, $800 invested, sell for $525. 620-755-0648, day. 2-2tp


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