Engagements (May 20, 2009)


Pederson, Hofer plan Hesston eventroman-and-me.jpg


Stuart and Regina Pederson and Lowell and Nancy Hofer announce the engagement of their children Rebecca Pederson of Marion to Roman Hofer of Wichita.

The bride-to be is a 2004 graduate of Cimarron High School in Cimarron. She graduated from Tabor College in 2008. She is employed as a fourth grade teacher at Marion Elementary School.

The groom-elect is a 2002 graduate of Hesston High School and a 2006 graduate of Tabor College. He is a supervisor with ASA Delta Airlines in Wichita.

The couple are planning a June 13 wedding at Hesston Mennonite Brethren Church.


Hillsboro couple plan June weddingLettermanRatzlaffWedding.jpg


Kayla Letterman and Bri Ratzlaff of Hillsboro announce their engagement and approaching marriage.

Parents of the couple are Tina Letterman and Everett Yowell and Don and Marilyn Ratzlaff.

The bride-to-be is a 2008 graduate of Hillsboro High School. The groom-elect is a 2003 Hillsboro High School graduate.

The wedding is planned June 13 in Hillsboro.


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