Tabor College prof to lead January tour to Middle East countries

Individuals wanting to have a deeper understanding of places with historical significance in the Bible will want to mark the dates of Jan. 3-24, 2011, on their calendar.

Doug Miller, professor of biblical and religious studies at Tabor College, is planning a dynamic tour of Israel, Palestine and Jordan.

?I am extremely excited about visiting these wonderful places again,? said Miller, who has led similar tours.

The trip has four primary goals that intertwine daily on the three-week trip: (1) understanding the Bible in its context; (2) learning about the three major religions of the area (Judaism, Islam, Eastern Christianity); (3) understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and (4) times for worship, reflection and prayer.

?We will have personal contact and conversation with a variety of local people,? said Miller, who particularly noted Palestinian Christians as a neglected minority.

The itinerary includes visits to Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, the Jordan River, Sea of Galilee (boat ride), Jericho, Dead Sea and Dead Sea Scrolls, Masada, Petra, Christian churches, a mosque, a synagogue service as well as encounters and conversations with local people.

Non-students are welcome, and the trip still has openings available. The cost is about $4,000, including roundtrip travel from Wichita to Amman, travel in-country, room and most meals, tips and admission fees.

A $240 audit fee is added for non-student participants in the seminar. A $500 deposit due Sept. 1 will reserve a spot on this educational tour. The balance is due Nov. 1.

If interested, contact Miller immediately via e-mail DougM@ or call 620-947-2439.

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