Card Showers (June 30, 2010)

Former resident to celebrate 80 years

The family of Lynford J. Becker, formerly of Hillsboro, is requesting a card shower honoring his 80th birthday, July 6.

While residing in Hillsboro, he worked at Tabor College in the institution advancement office and then as president of the Menno?nite Brethren Foundation.

He is a retired pastor of 25 years and now resides in Enid, Okla., with his wife, Ruby.

Children are Rhonda and Lyle Ediger of Hillsboro, and Debbie and Orville Ehardt, Marlin and Gayla Becker and Marla and Vic Rempel, all of Enid.

He has 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A birthday celebration will be held in Enid July 11.

Cards may be sent to Becker at: 913 Briar Ridge Rd., Enid, OK 73707, or Rhonda Ediger, 502 S. Wilson, Hillsboro, KS 67063.


Event planned for Clothier?s 90th

A come-and-go 90th birthday celebration is being planned for Hazel Clothier from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, July 5, at the American Legion building in Florence.

Organizers request no gifts?only your attendance.


Marion man to celebrate 80th

The family of Jack Ross Kerbs is requesting a card shower in celebration of his 80th birthday Thursday, July 8.

He was born in LaMar, Colo., and later moved to Durham with his family. For the past 40 years, he has lived in Marion.

His children are Jacque and husband Kelly Rector; Gwen Seidel; Crystal and husband David Nahirny; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Cards may be sent to him at 320 S. Freeborn, Marion, KS 66861.


Request for cards to mark 80th

George Svitak of Pilsen will be celebrating his 80th birthday Friday, July 3.

Friends and family are invited to mark this special occasion by sending cards to him at 200 Eienhower, Apt. 124, Marion, KS 66861.


Family invites cards to celebrate 104th

The family of Amelia Vinduska requests a card shower for her 104th birthday July 10.

Vinduska, a long-time resident of Pilsen, is now a resident at St. Luke Living Center, P.O Box 258, Marion, KS 66861.

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