Carolyn Swaney
Dan and Kimberly Swaney of Hillsboro announce the birth of their daughter, Carolyn Noelle, born Dec. 23 at Newton Medical Center in Newton.
She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was 19 3?4 inches long.
Her maternal grandmother is Judy of San Diego, Calif. Paternal grandparents are Angalee and Bob Swaney of Ventura, Calif.
Welcoming her home was her brother, Wilson, 2.
Brylee Ann Smith
Tyler and Molly Smith of Marion announce the birth of their daughter, Brylee Ann, born Sunday, Jan. 10, at Via Christi-St. Joseph Hospital, Wichita.
She weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces and was 18.5 inches long.
Grandparents are Greta Smith, Steve and Stacie Smith and Bruce and Brenda Rhodes, all of Marion.
Great-grandparents are Juanita Helmer and Mona Smith of Marion and Harold and Sally Bauer of Hudson.