The Marion County Board of Commissioners approved on Monday a 2016 budget of $8,516,715 with a property tax mill levy of 69.114, the same as for 2015 with any required increases taken care of by increased property values.
The commissioners again credited budget consultant and auditor Scot Loyd Loyd with helping avoid a mill increase for more road and bridge upkeep by outlining funds in alternate road and bridge funds that can be used for road improvements.
Road and Bridge Director Randy Crawford said this will involve a program of restoring roads and ditches to the widths required by Kansas and federal regulations.
Loyd also acted as auditor for the county, and returned a report with some small concerns that the commissioners approved.
In the end of the month payday session, County Clerk Tina Spencer reported a payout of $779,226.25 with a county payroll of $428,355.44.
She reported $56,531.98 received from the state in regular sales tax and $49,332.98 in special jail bond tax payment.
The commissioners approved a road and bridge area fuel bid of $9,138.25 for 5,300 gallons of diesel from Cooperative Grain & Supply of Hillsboro over a competitive bid of $9,165.60 from Cardie Oil Inc. of Tampa.
The commissioners approved a three-year contract for computer support with Microsoft for $5,352.
They met in executive sessions for 15 minutes for attorney-client privilege with County Attorney Susan Robson; for 10 minutes with Robson, Spencer, Crawford and Bruce Boet?tcher of BG Consultants in regard to land acquisition for straightening a curve on South Nighthawk; for 10 minutes for personnel with Crawford, and for 15 minutes for personnel with Health Depart?ment Admini?strator Diedre Serene.