Marion County Commis?sioner Dan Holub said Monday that his research has revealed that deep saltwater well disposal into a deep geologic layer by the oil industry is regulated by the Oil and Gas Conserva?tion Department under the Kansas Corporation Com?mission.
It is a common practice done on many conventional wells in the area using deep water sources under pressure to enhance oil extraction. It has nothing to do with the enhancements of horizontal drilling or the fracking that is believed to increase earthquake rates in Oklahoma, he said.
There is more salt water injection in Marion County, Holub said, because oil production from existing wells is increasing.
Holub and Commissioner Lori Lalouette were meeting in regular weekly session with Commission Chairman Randy Dallke absent.
County Attorney Susan Robson has recommended, in response to a commission inquiry, that the county commission create a five- to seven-member board to study county economic develop needs and strategies.
Holub said it would be in the interest of the county to have such a board manned by business people, not by government employees.
Its base responsibilities, he said, would be to make recommendations to the county commission?not make final decisions?in a manner similar to how the current zoning board functions.
Meanwhile, Bud Druse, department director for director of noxious weeds, household hazardous waste, transfer station and recycling, said tires showing tread on a recently acquired skid loader should be replaced by solid rubber tires at a quoted price of $1,123.
The commissioners asked him to get tire bids from multiple providers.
The commissioners met in executive session for eight minutes with County Clerk Tina Spencer regarding personnel. No action was taken when the public session resumed.