Hillsboro city council annexes land along U.S. Highway 56

The Hillsboro City Council approved an annexation agreement at its March 19 meeting that will allow the city to receive grant funding for turn pockets at Adams Street and U.S. 56.

Under the agreement, the city will pay the Jean Winter Trust $2,500 for the opportunity to annex the property, which borders the east side of Adams from the highway to near the city water-treatment plant, and also follows the south side of the highway east of Adams to the next quarter-section line.

The amount is the equivalent of the property taxes assessed over 20 years.

Annexation by the city is a stipulation of the Kansas Depart??ment of Transportation for the city to receive a construction grant.

In other business, the council:

? approved a renewal agreement with IMA Inc. for property and casuality insurance. The premium will be $70,598, which is an increase of about 10 percent from the past policy.

? approved a liquor license renewal for the American Legion for two years for a fee of $500.

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