Florence insurance premium down by $2,000

Members of the Florence City Council were told at their March 5 meeting that the premium for the city insurance policy will be $2,000 less than it was a year ago.

The city agent, Bill Hend?ricks, presented the council with spreadsheets detailing current insurance coverage.

Councilor Randy Mills noted that after the council had voted to decrease coverage on an unused ambulance, different stories had been given to people who called to check on the coverage.

Several people asked Hendricks to ensure that the ambulance?s insurance was dropped, but it remained under full coverage with the fire department paying the bill a year later.

The council accepted the new coverage on the condition that better communication takes place to prevent further mistakes.

City council candidate Dorothy Cleverley requested? information about the city charter, debt load and what?s being done about compliance with specific laws.

Councilors were unable to answer the questions and requested she leave her list of questions for them to answer at a later meeting.

During community comments, Del Leeds said that as a taxpayer he didn?t want tax dollars going to pay the city attorney to research questions like these every time they're asked.

Leeds cautioned that a rule should be established on when people could request research by the city attorney at the city?s expense.

People were reminded that the Freedom of Information Act allows fees to be charged for legal research and document reproduction.

Fire Chief Tim Parmley reported the fire department had cancelled its special fund account at Peabody and will use the money to purchase and paint a brush truck.

The fire department volunteers voted to buy a new light bar, siren and tires for the 1995 GMC. Volunteers also voted to keep the 1971 pumper truck and repair its leaking tank.

Parmley also said the ambulance had been advertised for sealed bid sale ending March 19. If no acceptable bid is received, the department may consider keeping the ambulance.

Parmley asked the council for permission to look into building a lean-to on the fire building. The department's generator and cascade air tank filling system is currently being parked in a city garage, but the door is often blocked by vehicles.

Parmley also will check with additional businesses about getting the oil changed in the fire trucks.

The most recent expenditures at a local business were criticized as being too high, so the council asked Parmley to take his six quotes to that business and try to get a better deal this time rather than accepting the least expensive quote.?

In other business, the council:

n accepted resignations from police officers Phil Crom and Ryan Mitchell.

n decided to review several applications for police chief at a special work meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 14.

n asked City Clerk Darla Gore to talk to others at an upcoming city clerk?s convention about a less expensive software package after hearing the total price of utility billing and court management software would be $400 higher than the approved $5,300.

The utility billing system will be purchased and the court management system was tabled for more information.

n tabled for more information a request to pay $50 for a part-time police officer to attend a training seminar.

n tabled Rick Turner?s offer to purchase city-owned land bordering his property until valuation is researched.

n will look into changes to Americans with Disabilities Act ordinances suggested by ADA Compliance Officer Del Leeds.

n approved purchase of two valves for the city water filter.

n will donate $50 to the National Child Safety initiative.

n heard that the Bowl for Kids? Sake team had raised donations of $200.

n heard Lori Kirkpatrick will run the city pool but will need to hire additional help especially since usage is likely to increase since Marion?s pool will be under construction.

n decided to remind Marion County dispatch that Florence Rescue is equipped and trained on the ?Jaws of Life? extrication device.

n will try to find out who has been discarding ?hundreds and hundreds of newspapers? at a location on Kimball Street.?

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