Commissioners temporarily lower payments for Northview program

The Marion County Commission met Friday, March 30, in a payday meeting.

Its decision to take out the operational payment for Northview Development Corp. reduced the total pay-out figure from $771,537 to $756,662.

The commissioners are doing this in cooperation with Harvey County until such a time when Northview resumes its full duties of enabling persons with disabilities to live and work in the community.<p><p>County Clerk Carol Maggard announced sales tax collected for Marion County in January, received by the state in February and distributed to counties in March, at $39,246, down from $49,897 last month. <p><p>The only time the tax receipt was lower in recent years was April 2006, when it dropped to $31,365. The highest receipts in recent years was $51,796 for August 2005.<p><p>Commissioners Dan Holub and Bob Hein, with Hein acting as chairman until Chairman Randy Dallke arrived to the meeting, approved several department heads moving ahead on a $26,000 Pictometry?aerial imaging software?buyout. <p><p>The heads included communications director Michele Abbott-Becker, appraiser Cindy Magill, road and bridge director Jim Herzet, Sheriff Lee Becker and planning and zoning director Bobbi Strait, who was not present.<p><p>Commissioners Bob Hein and Dan Holub, in the absence of Dallke, approved a construction bid of $83,650 for two 60-foot county bridges by Kraus Welding of Hillsboro.<p><p>Herzet said the bid is for labor because the county has the materials. The bridges will replace older structures at Quail Creek and 130th Road, and one and a quarter miles east of Kansas Highway 15 on 360th.<p><p>Road and bridge area fuel bids were split between Cardie Oil Co. of Tampa and Cooperative Grain & Supply of Hillsboro. <p><p>Cardie Oil took the bid in Area 1 for 800 gallons of diesel at $2.388 a gallon for $1,910.40, compared to $2.389 for $1,911.20 from CG&S.<p><p>Cardie Oil took the bid for Area 2 for 2,150 gallons of diesel at $2.388 a gallon for $5,134.20 compared to $2.389 for $5,136.35 for CG&S.<p><p>CG&S took the bid in Area 3 for 1,800 gallons of diesel at $2.369 a gallon for $4,264.20 compared to $2.408 for $4,334.40 for Cardie.<p><p>CG&S again took the bid in Area 4 for 1,800 gallons of diesel at $2.379 for $4,282.20 compared to $2.408 for $4,334.40 from Cardie Oil.

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