Paperwork problem led to voluntary shutdown at La Cabana

La Cabana reopened Wednesday, Jan. 10, after temporarily being closed due to paperwork errors.

Owner Atanacio Nieto said the restaurant wasn?t forced to close on Monday and Tuesday, but chose to do so in order to get its paperwork in order.

?I didn?t have all my paperwork for 2008 and I thought you had 30 days to turn it into the state, but I guess something?s happened there,? Nieto said.

?I have all my paperwork for my employees, that?s ready,? he said. ?I always pay my tax on time. I really have no idea why this happened. It surprised me. I?ve been in this business for five years and I?ve never, ever had this problem.?

Nieto said a ?state guy? came in to the establishment while Nieto was out of town, asking questions and asking to see specific paperwork.

?I talked to him over the phone and he asked me about my W forms for my guys,? Nieto said.

?I told him when I got back to town I would be happy to give him everything he needs, but he didn?t wait for me.

?So far, this is all I know. He hasn?t called me or sent me a letter or anything. I don?t even have his business card.?

Nieto emphasized the closure was his voluntary decision and had nothing to do with immigration or health violations.

?They didn?t deport my wife or anything like that either,? he said. ?I?ve got four kids and they?re all American citizens. I like Hillsboro to raise them. I don?t think we?re going to be going anywhere.

?I?m not doing anything I?m not supposed to be doing,? he added. ?I don?t have anything to hide. I have no worries, and we?re ready to go again.?

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