Cooperative Grain and Supply in Hillsboro is preparing for this year?s wheat harvest with the addition of its newest 308,000 bushel capacity bin (left), the first major addition in more than 50 years. Frisbie Construction in Gypsum started work Monday to install the conveyor systems and spouting for the new bin, said Dick Tippin, grain coordinator. In addition, Frisbie Construction is putting in a new leg belt, cup and drive on the south leg, which will increase the speed of unloading trucks at the south pit. ?Between the two legs,? he said, ?we will be able to dump grain at around 18,000 bushels an hour.? Lyman Adams Jr., general manager, said with the newest bin, the co-op can store almost 800,000 bushels of grain. ?We are ready for wheat harvest,? Adams said. The first concrete bin was built in 1954 with leg, followed by the annex on the west side in 1958. The most recent addition cost more than $1 million.
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