Unified School District 410 Board of Education approved a resolution Monday authorizing the district to enter into an interlocal agreement with Tabor College regarding acquiring and constructing the athletic facility.
Superintendent Doug Huxman said the next steps include approval by the executive commitee of the college?s board of directors and submission to the Kansas attorney general.
Huxman added that although he didn?t think the turn around would be long, he didn?t know the time table for resolving the lawsuit.
Regarding the facility improvement projects, the board held a special meeting Friday, Dec. 7, and approved a contract with Coonrod & Associates Construction Co. Inc.
The guaranteed maximums for work are $1.5 million for work at Hillsboro Elementary School and $2.1 million at Hillsboro High School.
The contract guarantees the costs will not exceed those amounts as long as there are no changes in the plans, said Jerry Hinerman, the district?s business manager.
In other business, the board:
— approved classified contracts for Troy Frick as an elementary secretarial aide at $6.50 per hour for the remainder of 2007-08, and Tamara Henderson as substitute school nurse at $20 per hour for hours assigned by the administration.
— approved $1,500 to support an out-of-state choral trip to Colorado in May.
— approved by consent agenda bullying policies and prevention plans for the elementary, middle and high schools. The state has mandated that all school districts have such policies in place by Jan. 1.
— approved board policy updates recommended by Kansas Association of School Boards for 2007, with the exception of choosing not to have a nepotism policy due to the district?s small size.
–took no action regarding the superintendent?s position. Plans are to include that on January?s agenda.
— met in executive session for 35 minutes regarding personnel, but no action was taken.
— board members Debbie Geis and Brent Barkman did not attend Monday?s meeting.