“I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies. Two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together-like chocolate and peanut butter.”-Sara Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw
In 270 A.D., the Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that married men made second-rate soldiers, so he outlawed marriage for young battle-worthy males, ensuring he ruled a land of fighters, not lovers.
A bishop named Valentine, believing that marriage was natural and intended by God, refused to obey this law. A born romantic, he continued to secretly perform wedding ceremonies for young couples. That was until he was caught in the act and sentenced to die for his crimes.
While in jail, in a classic tale of boy meets (the wrong) girl, Valentine befriended Emperor Claudius’s daughter. He professed his forbidden love to her through written love letters, which he signed “from your Valentine.”
The idea of Valentine’s Day was born. The good news is that today, you’re less apt to literally lose your head for the sake of love, as the bishop eventually did, and more likely to find yourself taping tootsie rolls to your child’s Spongebob valentines.
It’s not just about romantic love anymore.
But imagine the story if things would have turned out a little differently. Say the emperor had a change of heart and gave his blessing for a marriage between his daughter and the Bishop. Would his handwritten “Valentines” have continued year after year, even after little baby Valentines came along?
And if he were alive today, would he still pen his passionate devotions? Or would he get sidetracked by, say…the Food Network?
The exhilaration of sacrificing for true love or even something a little simpler like a night out without the kids can be edged out by busy schedules, an overloaded hamper and the temptation of a chocolate marathon on the aforementioned Food Network.
Their latest epic of chocoholic specials sidelined me for a good 45 minutes. I think my daughters grabbed a Pop Tart or maybe some butter for dinner. I’m really not sure. And the little one’s diaper, which should have been double bagged in zip-locks about 10 minutes prior, was left to stew a bit longer.
Sorry girls, but take note of this life lesson. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the bigger cause. The bishop understood that. The Food Network chefs understand that. When a string of disgustingly sweet recipes are showcased as a group, there is no better time to sacrifice. I now know how to make chocolate ravioli and that has to be worth something.
Once the spell was broken by a commercial, I slipped my youngest some Desitin and a few M&Ms and all was forgiven.
That’s what love is about.
Once married with kids, Valentine’s Day can evolve into a family holiday. It’s not specific to one kind of traditional romantic love. It’s big enough for all types, from forbidden to puppy to choco-
Just like a recipe for Soufflé au Chocolat et au Grand Marnier, love doesn’t have to make sense to be worthwhile.