Margaret Linn Rogers and Eli Jack Sweany, both of Manhattan, were married July 22 at the Manhattan City Park with Jack Sweany officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mark and Nancy Rogers of Hillsboro. The groom is the son of Jack and Denise Sweany of Great Bend.
Maid of honor was Heather Talbot. Bridesmaid was Heather Diemer.
Best man was Phil Appel. Groomsman was Brandon Enabnit.
Ushers were Victor and Jerrod Rogers.
Other special guests were Jenifer Higerd, James Mollon, Kylie Worchester and Evan Zerby.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Crestview Christian Church.
The bride is a student at Manhattan Christian College and Kansas State University. The groom is an MCC graduate with a degree in family ministry.
The couple resides in Manhattan.