Twins’ 80th birthday reception Nov. 6
Alta Mae Huffington and Alice Uphoff, both of Hutchinson, will celebrate their 80th birthdays with a reception from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, at Joe’s at Sundome in South Hutchinson.
The twins were born Nov. 4, 1925, in Florence.
Alta Mae was married to Earl Remmers; they divorced and she was married to Audrey Jack Huffington. Her children are Alvin Remmers of Davis, Calif., Warren and wife Caren Remmers of Wichita, Kenneth Remmers and Eugene Remmers, both of Ramona, and Duane Remmers of Lincolnville. She has 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
Alice was married to Albert C. Uphoff, who died in 2003. She is retired from Kinder Manufacturing in Newton after 22 years and T&E Oil in Hutchinson after 11 years. Her children are Rosalie and husband Billy Spaniol and Melvin Uphoff, both of Hutchinson, and Albert “Fred” Uphoff and Judy of Belleville. She has six grandchildren, six step-grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, 11 step-great-grandchildren and six step-great-great-grandchildren.
Cards may be sent to Alta Mae at 3100 N. Plum Apt. 307, Hutchinson, 67502, and to Alice at 204 E. 11th, Hutchinson, 67501.
Gospel music duo to give concert Nov. 3
Grace Again, the senior-focused gospel music ministry of Willie and Rodi Longenecker of Ontario, will give a concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, at Parkview Mennonite Brethren Church in Hillsboro.
The public is invited to attend.
‘Heaven’ coming to Alexanderfeld
A musical group from Lone Tree Mennonite Church will present the program “Heaven” at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, at Alexanderfeld Church, one mile west and one mile south of Hillsboro.
The public is invited to attend.
Editor’s Note: We mistakenly published in the Nov. 2 edition of the Free Press that the program would be held at Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Hillsboro FCCLA kids honored at academy
Members of the Hillsboro chapter of Family, Career & Community Leaders of America attended the FCCLA Fall Leadership Academy Oct. 26 at Lyons High School.
More than 400 students attended from the central and south central regions of Kansas.
The following Hillsboro chapter members were recognized for completing Step One degrees and/or Power of One accomplishments: Stephanie Abbott, Jessica Allen, Whitney allen, Jayme Claassen, Crystal Conner, Brittany Davis, Joshua Elliott, Sarah Heidel, Evana Holtsclaw, Kayla Letterman, Kassidi Luthi and April Young. Whitney Allen was recognized as Hillsboro’s outstanding FCCLA member.
The Hillsboro chapter was recognized for its community service project in donating funds to the Mexico missions project last year.
Hunter ed class set for Nov. 18-20
Flint Hills Firearms & Retrievers and the local Quail Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited chapters will be sponsoring a Kansas Hunter Education class Nov. 18 to 20 at Marion Elementary School, 1400 E. Lawrence.
The class will be held from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
The class is offered at no charge to any individual 11 or older.
Class size is limited. Call Cindy Ragland at 620-382-2943 on weekdays or stop by Flint Hills Firearms & Retrievers at 500 E. Main in Marion to register for the class.
S. Cottonwood 4-H to meet Nov. 14
The South Cottonwood 4-H Club invites those interested in joining 4-H to its first meeting at 7 p.m. Nov. 14 in the Hillsboro City Building.
For more information, call 947-2478.
MB Churches to host missions event Nov. 6
The Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church will hold a Mission Harvest Celebration on Sunday, Nov. 6, at the Hillsboro High School gymnasium.
Al Ewert of World Impact will be the guest speaker for the worship service at 9:30 a.m. The HHS coral group Spirit ‘n’ Celebration and a men’s group led by Jonah Kliewer will provide music.
A brunch will follow, along with an adult assembly time and children’s Sunday school classes focusing on missions. Various speakers from the community will include Lillian Bookless, Esther Wiebe, Ruth Friesen, Judy Hiebert, Brent Barkman and Jim Elam.
Non-perishable food items will be collected for Main Street Ministries.
A community-wide missions celebration will then be held at 7 p.m. at Tabor College. Randy Friesen, general director of Mennonite Brethren Missions and Services International, will share about Operation Rebuilding Lives in Thailand.
Delta Kappa Gamma holds silent auction
The Alpha Omega chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International met Oct. 29 at the Wiebe Media Center of Hillsboro High School.
Brunch was served by hostesses Anita Boese, Joyce Loewen and Sonja Koslowsky.
The meeting was called to order by president Pauline Holub. Fourteen members answered roll call. Helen Reznicek led devotions.
Jan Terman presented facts about people and towns in Kansas. Mary Olson also shared information on Kansas day trips and tours.
Members participated in the annual silent auction of crafts and food. The funds will be used for incentive awards given to women college students studying to become teachers.
The next chapter meeting will be a holiday celebration on Dec. 3.
Diabetes fair set for Nov. 12 in Peabody
A diabetes fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at Legacy Park, 407. N. Locust, Peabody.
Ruth Reed, an advanced registered nurse practitioner and diabetes educator, will give presentations at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the need for proper treatment.
Marion County Extension office will offer two demonstrations at 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. on cooking for those with diabetes.
Legacy Park staff will assist with blood pressure and blood sugar checks.
Others participating in the fair are David Topham of Nova Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, staff from Central Kansas Podiatry and certified massage therapist Shirley Davis.
The fair is a come-and-go event with no charge. Those needing transportation to the fair from a location in Peabody should call 620-983-2152.
PBHS to present ‘Hankerin’ Hillbillies’
Peabody Burns High School music and drama will present the musical “Hankerin’ Hillbillies” at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, and at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13, in the Brown Building Concert Hall.
“Hankerin’ Hillbillies” tells the story of Pa and Ma Hereford and their five daughters, who are all hankerin’ to find a man except for Charlie, who only loves books.
But everything changes for Charlie when government man Marcus Slidell show up to buy from the Herefords land that they and the Guernseys have been feuding over for decades. While he tries to figure out what to do, Charlie has Widder Perkins fix her up a love potion to get Marcus for herself.
The musical cast, directed by Steven Glover, includes Kali Alstrom, Seth Alstrom, Hannah Chan, Megan Cox, Carrie Crane, Ashley Elliott, Jessica Gillet, Kaela Gillet, Racheal Hamous, Ricky Hill, Laura Hoffmann, Martin Hofkamp, Elizabeth Johnson, Joslyn Kallansrud, Chris Loucks, Seth Methvin, Rebecca Morris, Ethan Riggs, Charlie Rippe, Jessica Rosine, Duane Unruh, Stephanie Vetter, Julie Wedel, Jarred Weems and Anna Zappone.
MES students to host fund raiser Nov. 5
Fifth-graders from Marion Elementary School will hold a fund raiser for hurricane victims from 9 a.m to noon Saturday, Nov. 5, in the empty lot by Duckwalls in Marion.
They will be selling lemonade, hot chocolate and baked goods.
The Sunkist Corp. will match their donation to the American Red Cross.
In the case of bad weather, the event will be moved underneath the patio at Marion National Bank.
Arboretum to kick off concert series Nov. 4
Flutist Jessie Ann Roth will give a concert Friday, Nov. 4, in Hesston, the first in a series of musical events hosted by Dyck Arboretum of the Plains and Hesston College Lifelong Education and Development (LEAD) program.
The concert is set for 7 p.m. at the arboretum, 177 W. Hickory St.
The series will focus on “Meeting the New Generation” of budding musical artists in south central Kansas.
Roth is a student of Francis Shelley, principal flute in the Wichita Symphony Orchestra. She will be accompanied by pianist Tate Addis.
The program is free to the public, with donations accepted to support future musical programs at the arboretum. For more information, call 620-327-8127.
PBHS FFA chapters to host pancake feed
The Peabody-Burns High School FFA chapter and the FFA alumni chapter will be hosting a pancake and sausage feed from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Peabody Senior Citizens Building.
The cost is $3.50 per person for all-you-can-eat pancakes. Proceeds go to scholarships, leadership conferences and chapter activities.
For more information call Sonya Roberts at 620-983-2196.
Book group to discuss ‘Poisonwood Bible’
The Hillsboro Public Library book discussion group will meet at 9 a.m. Friday, Nov. 14, in the library.
The group will be discussing “The Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver. It is not necessary to have read the book to attend.