Florence won’t pay contractor’s bills until issues addressed

Water was the focus of the Oct. 3 meeting of the Florence City Council.

The contractor of the city clear well has agreed to pay for earthmoving needed for a 12-inch overlap of rubber sheeting to be applied to the top of the cracked cement cap.

However, a spring-loaded valve and other parts of the system are not operating properly.

The council decided that no more bills will be paid on the project until contractors have addressed these issues.

The issue of constructing a metal roof for the city springhouse was tabled again until an insurance waiver can be researched. Quotes will be standardized in gauge of metal to be used as well as insurance provisions.

Bids will be taken for removing logs from under the 5th Street Bridge. Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance is available with costs, but the work must be done by Feb. 1, 2005.

The council also heard that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies have been asked to look into the dumping of construction materials on the banks of the Cottonwood River.

Reportedly used for bank stabilization, the materials will be checked for environmental safety and impact on the dike.

In other business, the council:

— again tabled an expenditure of $1,964 for nine street signs, hardware and poles to indicate exits from U.S. highways 77 and 50.

— received $483 from the sale of walnut lumber harvested by Leonard Ellis, who had volunteered to cut down several trees to increase airflow to the sewer pond.

— heard that the members of the ambulance department have agreed to purchase a new ambulance, sell the oldest ambulance with proceeds going toward the purchase and upkeep of the current No. 1 ambulance.

— approved ambulance department purchase of a power washer using about $700 of the ambulance memorial fund, and retroactively approved spending $180 for batteries for communications radios.

— approved city paying for flu shots for fire and ambulance crews. The department will offer flu shots for the public from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Oct. 28.

— heard that the recently purchased fire truck will need to be rewired and a new alternator system installed.

— heard that Tony Leeds will attend a Kansas Fire Chief’s seminar Oct. 21-24 with the total cost of $381 to be taken from fire department funds.

— thanked National Honor Society students for painting cemetery row marker signs.

— received a list of people available to perform community service hours in the city.

— will place a drop box in the city building for information people would like to add to the Florence Web site to help keep it updated more frequently.

— heard that the next town meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 16, at a location to be announced.

— heard the swimming pool and Grandview bathrooms will be winterized and closed before the first freeze.

— ended the meeting with a 30-minute executive session for personnel matters with no action.

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