Jackie Klenda, a member of the Centre FFA Chapter and Gaea Wimmer, adviser at Centre High School, attended the 2004 Washington Leadership Conference, June 15-19 in Washington, D.C.
The conference is an activity of the National FFA Organization in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education.
The week-long program helps FFA members improve their leadership skills and prepare for leadership roles in their chapters, communities and careers.
Participants attended workshops on persuasive communication, character leadership and building relationships, and participated in discussions on citizenship. They also participated in service learning events.
The National FFA Organization coordinates WLC, which attracts participants from across the country. This summer, more than 2,000 FFA members will attend one of six week-long sessions.
Students at this event also visited Arlington National Cemetery, the Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt memorials and other historic sites in Washington.
A highlight of the week was a visit to the office of their respective representatives and senators in Washington.
Klenda received a scholarship from the Kansas FFA Alumni Association that helped pay her conference fees.
Wimmer attended a week-long program that helps agriculture teachers and FFA advisers improve their leadership skills and gain new ideas for classroom instruction and FFA activities. Participants reviewed current legislation affecting agriculture and education and explored innovative teaching resources.