Goessel to hold city-council election
The city of Goessel will hold elections on April 1 for three city-council positions.
The deadline for filing as a candidate is noon, Jan. 21.
For more information, call the city clerk at 620-367-8111 or the county clerk’s office at 620-382-2185.
Jane B. Hendricks is winter graduate
Jane B. Hendricks of Marion graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences on Dec. 15 in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Hendricks is the daughter of Nancy Marr of Marion and Wendell Hendricks of Kaw City, Okla.
Hendricks graduated from Fredonia High School in 1989. She earned a degree in business from Kansas State University in 1993.
Sign up available for diabetes classes
Greenhaw Pharmacy and Wellness Center will offer a pre-diabetes class from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 28, at the home of Steve and Lou Greenhaw.
The cost for the class will be $15, and spouses may attend at no extra charge. Pre-registration is required.
Lou Greenhaw, pharmacist, will discuss medication issues; Randolph Whitely, physician, will talk about the importance of acting now to prevent complications; Nancy Phil, home economist, will give a cooking demonstration and hand out recipes; and Jeanne Rziha, registered nurse and diabetic educator, will discuss what can be done to keep blood sugars in control.
A future series of classes on diabetes is scheduled for Tuesday evenings in February.
For more information about both sessions, call Greenhaw Pharmacy at 947-DRUG or the Health Post at 947-3481.
Et Cetera Shop to hold bake sale
The Et Cetera Shop will hold a bake sale on Friday, Jan. 10, at the shop located at 109 N. Main.
Parkview Church will be donating various food items for the event.
All proceeds will benefit the work of the Mennonite Central Committee.
Ebenfeld MB Church plans supper Jan. 14
Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church will hold its annual soup and pie supper from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the church located in rural Hillsboro.
A free-will donation will be accepted.
Organizers plan to contribute 50 percent of the proceeds to the Johan Reimer fund and the other 50 percent toward purchasing new Sunday school equipment.
For more information, call the church at 947-3704.
Public library offers story-time session
The spring story-time session at the Hillsboro Public Library will begin Wednesday, Jan. 15, and Thursday, Jan.16.
The theme for the session will include such topics as penguins, dinosaurs and flowers.
Children between the ages of 3 and 6 will read books and participate in games, activities and crafts led by Delora Kaufman.
Parents can sign their children up for one of the following three sessions:
- 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m., Wednesdays
- 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.,Wednesdays
- 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m., Thursdays
Classes are limited to 12 children, and the cost for the entire session is $2 per child.
Parents are asked to pay at the time of registration. Phone-in registrations will be accepted with preference given to those who register in person.
Children who participated in the last session may pick up the Christmas ornaments they made for the library tree.
County 4-H club holds meeting/party
The County-Wide 4-H Horse Club held their monthly meeting and Christmas party on Dec. 30 at the Hillsboro Public Library.
Members discussed plans to meet on Saturday, Jan. 18, to visit the Maxwell Game Preserve.
The group also talked about plans to attend the Equifest in Wichita and scheduled a meeting Saturday, April 26, at the fair grounds in Hillsboro.
After the business meeting, members played games and had refreshments.
Leadership program announces class
The Leadership Marion County Board of Trustees announces its selection of the class of 2003.
The following were chosen to participate in the program: Sarah Cope of Florence; Gina Edwards, Jim Elliott and Megan Kilgore, all of Hillsboro; Carolyn Koehn of Burns; Tina Novak of Tampa; Roger O’Neal of Peabody; and Michel Soyez of Marion.
The first class will include orientation and leadership-development training on Thursday, Jan. 9, at the Burns community building.
Future sessions will include training and information in local healthcare, education, non-profit organizations and volunteer opportunities, government, agriculture, industry and leadership skills.
For more information about the class, call Joanna Brazil at 620-983-9251 or contact her at brazils@earthlink.net.
HHS students to sell storage building
The students in vocational work-study classes at Hillsboro High School are constructing a back-yard storage building and will offer it for sale to the public.
The building size will be 8 feet by 12 feet. If time permits, the buyer will be able to choose the color of the exterior paint and the color of the shingles to be used on the roof.
The building will be sold for the cost of the materials used to construct it.
For more information, call Norman Winter at 947-3991.
St. Luke to offer
childbirth classes
St. Luke Hospital will offer six childbirth classes at 7 p.m, Mondays, Jan. 13 through Feb. 17, in the St. Luke Medical Clinic basement in Marion.
Classes are being offered free of charge, and participants do not need to be scheduled to deliver at the hospital to attend.
The hospital obstetrical nurses will conduct the classes.
The program will offer the following:
- The before-birth sessions will include nutrition, physical and emotional changes, exercises, relaxation, breathing techniques and fetal development.
– Labor-and-delivery sessions will offer information about progress on labor, anesthesia, the birth process, technical equipment and cesarean section.
– After-birth sessions will cover infant care, feeding, bathing, safety, resuscitation and mothers’ nutrition.
For more information, call Jan Moffitt at 620-382-2177, ext. 14. In the evenings, Moffitt can be reached at 620-382-2345.
Alpha Omega meets in Marion
The Alpha Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met Jan. 4 at the Butler Community College Marion building.
Brunch was served to 20 members at 9 a.m. by hostesses Polly Giebler of Wichita and Ruth Hamm and Anita Boese of Hillsboro.
The program included viewing the society Internet Web site and assembling “Read To Me” kits. The literacy kits will be distributed to hospitals in Marion and Hillsboro.