MCC sale to kick off Friday afternoon

About 25,000 people are expected to enter the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson this weekend to participate in the 33rd Mennonite Relief Sale.

The sale begins mid-afternoon on Friday and continues until mid-afternoon Saturday.

Key to making the event a reality is the sale’s 24-member board, about 40 committees, and contact people representing 70 Kansas churches.

Their work helps to organize the efforts and contributions of hundreds of seamstresses and artisans-as well as myriad volunteers working in food preparation and services on the grounds.

All sale proceeds benefit Mennonite Central Committee, to be used for hunger relief and community development worldwide.

In the Fine Arts Building priced items include a wide variety of handmade Kansas craft items. Plants are sold in the Floriculture Building. Visitors to the sale can also watch while a volunteer weaves rugs on a floor loom.

International crafts from Ten Thousand Villages will be sold at the Eisenhower Building. In the Commercial Building, sale guests can watch while a potter and a glass blower demonstrate their arts, and can purchase their wares.

Also being made are New Year’s cookies, apple fritters and apple butter.

At 2 p.m. Friday reserved seats for Saturday’s quilt auction will go on sale at the Industrial Building. By 4 p.m. the quilt display opens and food service begins. All other buildings will be open for purchases at 5.

Musical entertainment in the Sunflower Building is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., Friday. Performing will be Young at Heart, an 80-member senior citizens’ group from Albuquerque, N.M.

The evening auction at the Sunflower Building is set for 7:30 p.m. Included will be 10 items from the quilt section, along with a variety of quality hand-crafted and general merchandise.

Saturday morning breakfast of pancakes and sausage begins at 6 a.m. in the Pride of Kansas Building, and all sale buildings open at 7 a.m.

The Run for Relief starts in Rice Park off the fairgrounds at 8 a.m.

Two separate auctions begin at 8:45 on Saturday morning. The quilt auction of about 280 handmade quilts and related items will again take place in the Industrial Building at the southwest end of the fairgrounds.

The hobby and general auction takes place at the Sunflower Building, north of the Industrial Building.

Parking and admission are free. However, overnight campers need to pay a fairgrounds fee. The pubic is welcome to attend.

For additional sale information contact Richard Ediger, sale chair, 620-543-2787; or Howard Kaufman, vice-chair, 620-345-8212.


Friday. April 6

— 2 p.m.-Quilt auction reserved seats on sale, Industrial Bldg.

— 4 p.m.-Quilt display opens, Industrial Bldg.; Food service begins, pork barbecue, Heartland Cafe; German buffet, Pride of Kansas Bldg.

— 6 p.m.-All buildings open for sales

— 6 p.m.-Musical program, Sunflower Bldg.

— 7:30 p.m.-Mini-auction, Sunflower Bldg.

Saturday. April 7

— 6 to 10 a.m.-Breakfast in Pride of Kansas Bldg.

— 7 a.m.-All buildings open for sales.

— 8 a.m.-Run for Relief, Rice Park

— 8:45 a.m.-Quilt Auction, Industrial Bldg.; Hobby and General Auction, Sunflower Bldg.

— 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Chicken barbecue, Heartland Cafe; German buffet, Pride of Kansas Bldg.

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