Goessel?s Unrau wins four golds at Hesston track meet

Despite four gold medals by Chad Unrau, the Goessel boys finished fourth in the Goessel Quadrangular met April 4 at Hesston.

Unrau won the long jump, 100 meters, 110-meter high hurdles and 300-meter hurdles for the Bluebirds, who finished with 49 points.

?His high hurdles (time) of 15.2 made a statement, and his 11.3 100 is the fastest Goessel time in several years,? coach Bryan Stucky said.

Herington won the boys? competition with 80 points, Inman had 53 and Hesston 47.

On the girls? side, even though the Bluebirds won only one event?Tara Goerzen in the javelin?their depth carried them to a team victory with 75 points.

Inman and Hesston tied for second with 66 point and Herington finished fourth with 39.

?It was a nice surprise to win the meet,? Stucky said.

?Since we?ve had such poor weather and limited practice, we had absolutely no concern about marks or points or places or team finishes,? he added. ?We were far more concerned about kids giving a good effort, which they did.?

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